Parbhani Talathi Paper 2015 – English

Parbhani District Talathi Paper 2015 Subject English

महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या महसूल व वन विभागाने, महसूल विभागांतर्गत ४३४४ तलाठी पदांसाठी पदभरती साठी जाहिरात प्रकाशित केली आहे. महाराष्ट्र राज्याचे पदवीधर उम्मीदवर २६ जून २०२३ पासून या पदांसाठी अर्ज करता येणार असून, १८ जुलैपर्यंत ही प्रक्रिया सुरु राहणार आहे. या पदभरतीसाठी आवशयक ती सगळी माहिती तुम्हाला या लेखात मिळेल. तलाठी पदभरती बाबत अधिक माहिती ( शिक्षण, वयोमर्यादा, तलाठी परीक्षा स्वरूप, मागील तलाठी पेपर्स आणि तलाठी सर्व पेपर्स साठी या वेब साईट वर visit करत रहा इथे आम्ही तुमच्यासाठी Parbhani Talathi Previous Paper 2015 with answer प्रकाशित करीत आहे

S.No. Questions with options
1 ‘Blue blood’ means …… (a) High blood (b) Good man (c) of noble birth (d) none of these
2 ‘Cemetery’ means …… (a) A playground of cement (b) A land for burial (c) a platform (d) None of these
3 A branch of philosophy that deals with knowledge is called …. (a) Ecology (b) Epistemology (c) Archeology (d) None of these
4 Choose the correct synonym of ‘Contradict’ (a) Deny (b) Accept (c) Inform (d) None of these
5 Choose the word which is synonym of ‘Decease’ (a) death (b) Disease (c) Malady (d) None of these
6 ‘He ruled….. a vast empire.’ Fill in the blanks from the following words. (a) on (b) over (c) about (d) None of these
7 Give meaning of the idiom – ‘By hook or by crook’ (a) To catch fish (b) To prepare hook or crook (c) I fear that (d) None of these
8 Find the noun clause in the sentence – ‘I fear that I shall fail.’ (a) that I shall fail (b) I shall fail (c) I fear that (d) None of these
9 One who tells fortune by watiching the palm is called ….. (a) Astrologer (b) Astronaut (c) Cosmot (d) None of these
10 ‘A storehouse for threshed grains.’ is called …. (a) Threshery (b) Grainary (c) Granary (d) None of these
11 ‘To ….. did you give the book?’ Fill in the blank correctly. (a) whom (b) which (c) what (d) None of these
12 ‘On seeing the tiger, he got …. ‘ Fill in the blank correctly. (a) warm feet (b) hot feet (c) cold feet (d) None of these
13 Give the meaning of the pharse – ‘To grease the palm.’ (a) To bribe (b) Stick grease (c) To scold (d) None of these
14 The feminine gender of ‘HORSE’ is ….. (a) Mare (b) Mere (c) Mair (d) None of these
15 Which of the following words is correctly spelt? (a) Inapproprite (b) Inappropiate (c) Inappropriate (d) None of these

Answers –

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
c b b a a b d a d c a c a a c

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