Amravati Talathi Paper 2016 – English

1 ‘He will have to raise the wind for his new enterprise’
The underlined idiom may be substituted by :
(a) struggle (b) find workers (c) find resources (d) travel
Ans – (c)

2. ‘Children love ice-cream ,…………….Choose the appropriate question tag from the following to fill in the blank.
(a) to they ? (b) aren’t they ? (c) isn’t it ? (d) don’t they ?
Ans – (d)

3. Choose the plural of the word ‘Criterion’
(a) criteques (b) criterions (c) criterias (d) criteria
Ans – (d)

4. Choose the correct indirect speech for the given sentence.
“What a hopeless fellow you are !” said the teacher to the student
(a) The teacher told the student that you are a hopeless fellow
(b) The teacher told the student that he was a very hopeless fellow
(c) The teacher said what a hopeless fellow the student was
(d) The teacher exclaimed that the student was what a hopeless fellow
Ans – (b)

5. What type of noun is the underlined word ‘Integrity’ is the best policy.
(a) Common Noun (b) material noun (c) abstract noun (d) collective noun
Ans – (c)

6. Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in the blank.
‘The robbers broke…………..his shop and looted it’.
(a) in (b) into (c) open (d) non preposition is necessary
Ans – (b)

7. Which one of the following sentence is correct ?
(a) It is me who has done this
(b) It is me who have done this
(c) It is I who has done this
(d) It is I who have done this
Ans – (d)

8. Choose the most suitable “one word” for the phrase…………………
‘An officer or a post with no work but high pay’
(a) Honorary (b) Ex-officio (c) Gratis (d) Sinecure
Ans – (d)

9. Brutus loved Caesar (Change it into Negative).
(a) Brutus not loved Caesar
(b) There was no love without love for Caesar
(c) Brutus was not without love for Caesar
(d) Brutus was without love for Caesar
Ans – (c)

10. ‘He behaves as thought…………..’
(a) he were a king (b) he was a king (c) he become a king (d) he is a king
Ans – (a)

11. Who gave you this pen ? Change the voice .
(a) By whom were you given this pen ?
(b) By whom you were given this pen ?
(c) whom you given this pen ?
(d) None of above
Ans – (b)

12. ………………….men were punished’
Choose correct ‘Indefinite Pronoun’ for filling the blanks.
(a) Many a (b) A great many (c) Somebody (d) None of these
Ans – (b)

13. Identify the type of the sentence given below .
‘He admitted that he had made a mistake.’
(a) simple (b) complex (c) compound (d) Complex compound
Ans – (b)

14. ‘The cat sprang …..the table’
Use the correct preposition to fill in the blanks .
(a) upon (b) on (c) over (d) across
Ans – (a)

15. Which is the right place for the word ‘even’ ?
(a) They even may decide to come by car
(b) They may even decide to come by car
(c) They may decide to come by even car
(d) They may decide to even come by car
Ans – (b)

16. Change the following sentence to compound ‘For all his riches, he is not happy. ‘
(a) Though he is rich, he is not happy
(b) He is rich and so he is not happy
(c) He is rich but he is not happy
(d) He is not happy and is rich
Ans – (c)

17. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence .
‘It ………….continuously since six o clock this morning. ‘
(a) is raining (b) have rained (c) has been raining (d)had been raining
Ans – (c)

18. What ! Are You mad ? The underlined word is –
(a) Interrogative Pronoun (b) Relative Pronoun (c) Distributive Pronoun (d) Exclamatory Pronoun
Ans – (d)

19. ‘A queer fish’ means –
(a) a good person (b) A bad person (c) An eccentric person (d) A soft person
Ans – (c)

20. ‘I never asked you to do it’
Which sentence of the following is the correct interrogative sentence from the above ?
(a) Never I asked you to do it ?
(b) Did I ask you to do it ?
(c) I never ask you to do it ?
(d) Did I ever ask you to do it ?
Ans – (d)

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